Friday, January 28, 2011

Feeding Children

This morning I was so lucky to have been able to help out for a great non profit organization. They are a christian organization that helps feed children around the world. Making sure they not only get fed but fed nutritious food that will help them grow and thrive.

There were so many volunteers that all had a job. My job was making sure the soy ( the protein) of the meal was in it's bag. It was like an assembly line of people each doing there job in the name of Jesus!  In just 2 hours we packaged over 28,000 meals for children all over the world.

" Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor."  Luke 22:9

I had such a great time and the Lord really blessed me by just spending time packing up these meals. I pray each child these meals will go too.  I pray God will show his face to them. I pray they will accept Christ as there savior and live to change the world for his kingdom!

Please go and check out there web site. See if they will be anywhere near you where you can help out and serve. If not your church or group can host them and gather up volunteers to pack up meals. You won't regret it.

Feed my Starving Children www.